Original Wedding Bouquet
Sample Preserved Resin Pieces
We transform your unique wedding bouquet or memorial flowers into artwork that makes memories last forever. Let us perfectly preserve your flowers.
We take your real flower wedding bouquet, funeral flowers or other special occasion flowers---collected from you within several days of your event---and carefully preserve them into a series of long-lasting poured resin pieces & shadow box art. We will professionally dry the flowers to protect their colors and textures, and then custom design commemorative pieces of miniature art. Any unused flowers will also be returned to you.
As GardenView Flower’s preservation process is a personalized process—unique for each client—we limit the number of reservations we accept and it may take up to three months for GardenView artists to complete your preservation package.
There is a $150 minimum for preservation.
Our à la carte options allow clients to select desired resin or shadow box piece(s)
Preservation Includes:
Professional drying of your flowers to retain optimal color and texture
Creation of custom-designed art pieces using your flowers (you select the desired shapes and sizes at booking)
Packaging of items in a commemorative packaging
A deposit of 50% of total package is due at booking, and the 50% due upon delivery. Shipping can be added to costs for out-of-town clients.
RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY! Please fill out form at right.
For additional information, contact gardenviewweddings@gmail.com